• 1828-1882 yillari arasinda yasamis ingiliz ressam*.
  • sanat sanat içindir akımının öncülerinden pre-raphaelite ingiliz şair.şiirlerinde escapist bir yaklaşım sezilir.
  • astarte syriaca adli eseri eyes wide shut filminde görünen ressam.
  • karısı elizabeth siddal*'ı kaybetmesiyle düştüğü bunalımdan ölene dek çıkamayan şair-ressam. özellikle önceki eserlerinde görülen rafael öncesi* etki bir kenara, resimlerinde sevgililerinin güzelliklerini erotizmle süslemiş fakat içlerinden sadece bir tanesini tanrıçalaştırmıştır; iş ortağının karısı jane burden morris. ki "düş kurma" adlı eserinde yeşiller içinde gündüz düşlerine dalmış bu kadının, londra hayvanatbahçesi'nde sık sık ziyaret ettiği vombatları düşündüğünü sanıyordu boyalarla oynarken diye rivayet ediliyor.
  • 'look in my face; my name is might- have- been;
    ı'm also called no-more. too late,farewell'
    (bkz: a superscription)
  • “the worst moment for the atheist is when he feels thankful and has no one to thank.” demiş ingiliz ressam. sadece bu söz üzerinden bile sevebilirim onu...

    türkçe konuşsaydı, "ateist için en kötü an, kendisini müteşekkir hissedip teşekkür edecek kimse bulamadığı andır." derdi eminim.
  • resim ve siir dunyasindan alti kisi ile beraber birbirlerine destek olduklari ve karsi saldirilara karsi beraber savunduklari pre-raphaelite brotherhood kurucusu. ilk zamanlarda yazdigi siirleriyle john keats'in etkilendigi kisilerden. dante ismini daha sonra kendisi dante alighieri'ye hayranligindan dolayi eklemis. asiri dozda laudanum alip olen elizabeth siddal, fanny cornworth, jane morris resimlerinde ilham aldigi kisiler olmus. en guzel resimlerinden biri. butun resimleri buradan gorulebilir.

    jenny isimli siirinden;

    this room of yours, my jenny, looks
    a change from mine so full of books,
    whose serried ranks hold fast, forsooth,
    so many captive hours of youth, —
    the hours they thieve from day and night
    to make one's cherished work come right,
    and leave it wrong for all their theft,
    even as to-night my work was left:
    until i vowed that since my brain
    and eyes of dancing seemed so fain,
    my feet should have some dancing too: —
    and thus it was i met with you.
    well, i suppose 'twas hard to part,
    for here i am. and now, sweetheart,
    you seem too tired to get to bed

    the one hope siiri;

    when vain desire at last and vain regret
    go hand in hand to death, and all is vain,
    what shall assuage the unforgotten pain
    and teach the unforgetful to forget?

    silent noon siiri;

    your hands lie open in the long fresh grass, --
    the finger-points look through like rosy blooms:
    your eyes smile peace. the pasture gleams and glooms
    'neath billowing skies that scatter and amass.
    all round our nest, far as the eye can pass,
    are golden kingcup-fields with silver edge
    where the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge.
    'tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass.

    deep in the sun-searched growths the dragon-fly
    hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky: --
    so this wing'd hour is dropt to us from above.
    oh! clasp we to our hearts, for deathless dower,
    this close-companioned inarticulate hour
    when twofold silence was the song of love.

    en etkileyici siirlerinden without her;

    what of her glass without her? the blank gray
    there where the pool is blind of the moon’s face.
    her dress without her? the tossed empty space
    of cloud-rack whence the moon has passed away.
    her paths without her? day’s appointed sway
    usurped by desolate night. her pillowed place
    without her? tears, ah me! for love’s good grace,
    and cold forgetfulness of night or day.
    what of the heart without her? nay, poor heart,
    of thee what word remains ere speech be still?
    a wayfarer by barren ways and chill,
    steep ways and weary, without her thou art,
    where the long cloud, the long wood’s counterpart,
    sheds doubled darkness up the labouring hill
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