• bilim den feyz ve ilham alarak hikaye kurgulamak.
    bu arada arthur clarke falan yazlımıs¸ talihsizce;
    jules verne siz bilim kurgu olmaz.jules verne kadar bilimi kurgulayan olmamıs¸tır.arthur c clark serbest aminoacid iken jules verne bilimi kuruyordu.

    (gibisinden kendimden gecerek ne dedigimi sasirdigim bir entry ile acilmis baslik)
  • aslinda bilimkurgu jules verne'den de önceye gider... jonathan swift, 1726'da yayimladigi "gulliver'in gezileri"nde çesitli garip yaratiklardan bahseder. (herkesin bildigi cüceli hikaye, asil eserin küçük bir kismidir sadece.) bundan otuz yil sonra voltaire, "micromégas" adli kisa öyküsünü yayimlar ve dünyayi ziyaret eden devasa yaratiklari, onlarin gözünde bizim en büyük dertlerimizin bile nasil önemsizlestigini anlatir. 1817'de de pek çok kaynakta ilk bilimkurgu eseri olarak gösterilen "frankenstein" yayimlanir.

    jules verne'in ilk önemli eseri sayilan "arz'in merkezine seyahat" 1864'te yayimlanmistir.
  • h g wells: sf's task is to "domesticate the impossible hypothesis"
  • (bkz: robot)
  • bilimkurgunun yanlis yazilmisi..
  • halka dunya serisiyle larry niven hardkor bilimkurgu severlere cok zevkli okuma seanslari ya$atmi$tir. ayrica bilimkurgunun $oyle de bir olayi vardir: (bkz: bilimkurgularda dev gemi golgesi olgusu).
  • usatisfactory but firmly established term for an anglo-american literary genre that shows avarege human beings confronted by some novelty, usually daunting: an invasion from from another planet, s plague, space travel, time travel, a non-human civilization, a society ruled by machines, etc. there are anticipations in tales of wonder from the 17th century onwards and notably in the work of jules verne but the firs and still the greatest true exponent wad h g wells in the time machine(1895) the war of the worlds(1898) etc. until about 1940 most stories involved gadgetry, simple menace, or fantastic adventure. the next 25 years widened the range to include political economic technological and psychological speculation. in the later 1960s the so-called new wave imitated the stylistic and presentational trickery of the anti-novel but this has passed and the genre has returned to its traditional themes though with an added emphasis on the ptentialities of the mind and on philosophical questions. often ostensibly concerned with the future, science fiction at its best "throws a fresh light on today".
    leading writers include brian w. aldiss, isaac asimoc, j.g. ballard, arthur c clark, philip k dick, harry harrison, damon knight, ursula le guin, frederik pohl, and robert silverberg. the abbreviations sf(caps) and sf are aprroved by practioners and connoisseurs; sci-fic and sci-fi are not

    kaynak b.w. aldiss: billion-year spree
    science fiction history uzerine bi kitap
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